But what are your dreams for yourself and the rest of your life?

What do you value? What do you want next?

Is it time to:

  • Reevaluate your priorities after a divorce?

  • Reinvent yourself after a relocation or layoff?

  • Refocus your time and energy after the kids start school?

  • Reestablish your inner strength after an illness or personal setback?

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I coach one hour at a time, always at the client's pace and agenda. As your coach, I'm on your team -- a sounding board and advocate who will champion your goals and hold you accountable to the promises you make to yourself. My clients include:

College students evaluating their education options, the financial ramifications of student loans, and a future career choice that highlights their strengths.

“I want the time and money I spend on college to matter!”

Health/wellness professionals strategizing an “identity” in the industry and matching it to what they genuinely love.

“I’ve always enjoyed helping people be healthy; how can I turn that into a career?”

Middle managers choosing their next move up the corporate ladder.

“Do I really want to go there? What am I willing to do to get there?

What do I want WHEN I get there?”

Divorcees and the widowed weighing their best options for a new career, new financial situation, new personal life.

“I knew who I was when I was married, but now I’m starting over.”

Retirees choosing how to navigate their “second act” for the most gratifying future

“I want to enjoy myself, live a life that matters AND leave a legacy.”